Producer, Susan Soares hit a hole in one in every aspect with the State of Cannabis Conference 2019 held at The Loft in Long Beach California this past weekend. The invite only conference was captivating with a superb lineup of speakers that included national, state, and city elected officials engaging in deep rooted issues surrounding the cannabis industry. Also present were seasoned individuals from all entities of the cannabis industry.
The two day event showered the audience with sought after information, embraced ideas to resolve flaws in the cannabis industry and promises to resolve the inaccuracies of the industry. There is not a one fix for all in the cannabis industry because of the different alliances from city to city within each state. Some cities and states are holding the cannabis industry hostage because they control the rights to allow a cannabis business to operate in their jurisdiction. With continued advocacy and education there is HOPE to change the status of cannabis in many cities and states very soon.
The New Year, 2020 is an election year for all to make their voices heard by registering to vote then actually voting on issues that will make positive changes in your communities. At the State of Cannabis Conference elected officials encouraged the attendees to continue to submit ideas and create dialogue that will continue to move the cannabis industry in a positive direction and to eventually be removed from the list as a Schedule 1 drug.
We the people have the power to enforce CHANGE, so let’s make the commitment to Make It Happen! Get involved with your local government, attend city council meetings, write letters to your Senators and Congress representatives so that your community will benefit from the soon to be TRILLION dollar industry, the CANNABIS INDUSTRY and remember your VOTE counts!
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