
African American Professionals Becoming More Interested in the Cannabis Industry

The fast growing cannabis industry is finally attracting African American professionals such as attorneys, doctors, accountants, retirees and investment groups to capitalize on the 'Green Rush'. The number of African American professionals besides entertainers and former athletes attending cannabis business conferences and seminars has increased significantly in just one year.  Cannabis business conferences and seminars since the 2016 election have tripled their attendee numbers since 2015!

While the cannabis industry still remains a dominant Caucasian and various foreigners industry, more African American professionals are able to meet the protocol, MONEY to have access to the valuable information, experts and services from pioneers of this now two decade plus growing industry.  Money is key in any start-up business, but especially, the cannabis industry since the plant has been prohibited for so many years.  

It is absolutely necessary to know the laws of the cannabis industry as it pertains to your state, learn how to get involved in the industry legally according to the state's regulation where you are residing and 'doing business', networking with others in the industry and how to produce your products or services.  In order to grasp this information, it is important to attend the cannabis business conferences.

The majority of the cannabis business conferences can cost up to $899 to attend plus you also have to factor in your traveling and lodging expenses while attending the cannabis business conference. Most of the cannabis business conferences and seminars offer a early bird discount or other special advance discounts for interested attendees.  The cannabis business conferences are well worth the ticket value to gain the knowledge and experience of one of the fastest growing industries in the world!

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