
The Cannabis Buddy-Buddy System

After having an inside up close observation of the Cannabis Industry for the past three years, it can be safely written there is definitely a ‘buddy-buddy’ system in the billion dollar industry.  There are many comments about the disparity in the Cannabis Industry from prominent voices, but the changes have not transcended into the industry.  The trend seems to be you must be connected with someone who is connected to another source to gain access to operate, produce events, and definitely to receive sponsorship in the Cannabis Industry!  Due to this ‘buddy-buddy’ type of system, it magnifies the absence of minorities achieving success in the industry therefor making the ‘black market’ rise even more.

The Cannabis Industry has already been tagged as an industry not for African Americans and Latinos.  The playing field for operating businesses and services in the industry is not the same for minorities opposed to Caucasians in the industry. 

The major most recognized disparity is sponsorship from established companies and private investors to minority owned Cannabis businesses or services.  However, if you are a minority with celebrity-like status you are a commodity for the Caucasian market to capitalize on your popularity to the public in order to brand their products and services.

Challenges for the minority Cannabis entrepreneurs will continue unless we are able to join the existing ‘buddy-buddy’ system or organize our own, ‘Black & Brown buddy-buddy’ system.  There are a number of expert cultivators/farmers, chefs, extractors, and technology savvy people from the minority communities, who are excelling in the industry who would be able to do more with support from sponsors and more importantly the TRUST to operate a successful business!  The Cannabis plant produces enough resources for all on this earth to share and enjoy respectfully!

If the Cannabis Industry is ONE, then show support to all involved in the Cannabis Industry making a positive impact to all communities through education, awareness and advocacy.

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