Why is it that the very people who are disproportionately affected by the war on drugs; not profiting from the economics of cannabis legalization?
Well, I could say it’s because of the high cost of starting a company, and other socioeconomic factors. But the truth of the matter, is that the majority of us will gladly entertain a private conversation about cannabis (marijuana), but we don’t want to be seen in the public with it. Nor do we want anyone to know that we are interested in consuming or even investing in it. So for all intent and purposes, let's just say that many of us are just down right scared to be associated with marijuana; thanks to the large number of arrests and unjustifiable punitive sentences given to African-Americans.
In fact, many of us will even deny that we ever consumed cannabis, just to avoid being stigmatized by our peers. There are many reasons that I could give, but I’d like to focus on one of the main reasons that I’ve personally found to be the BIGGEST reason African Americans have not fully embraced the idea of entering into the cannabis industry. "Education" or the lack thereof.
Until the African-American community has been re-educated with the truth about the cannabis plant and its benefits; as well as the original reason this plant was made illegal in the first place; then our community will remain “At Bay” so-to-speak to this industry.
Today, I’m going to touch on a conversation that is long overdue, and very few will dare to venture and that's "educating our religious leaders" in our churches, synagogues and mosques. Our religious leaders must be re-educated with the truth about the cannabis plant, its spiritual and physical history; as well as WHO created it, and for what purpose(s) was it created.
Historically, the church provided African-Americans with a place to congregate and exchange information. During the civil rights era, our churches were a place of refuge for the marchers and protesters. The church was more political, and dealt with issues seen as important to the "African-American community" and this still stands true today. However, educating our community will take more than just a few conversations; it will take an entire campaign of educating in “Spirit and in Truth” - John 4:23-24.
Cannabis, in my opinion is natural and was put on this earth by our Creator centuries ago for the healing of mankind; and yet this conversation with our religious leaders has yet to take place. When in reality, this small and yet very powerful step or conversation could in my opinion, lead to the federal legalization of this magnificent plant.
The church is so powerful, that even presidents of countries all have religious advisors they meet with regularly; especially before making a major decision that could effect the lives of other human beings. Why? Because they want to determine whether their very own souls are at risk because of the decisions they will make. So how much more important is it for us to have a conversation about cannabis with our religious leaders?
Having this conversation with our religious leaders whether it’s a debate or an educational conversation or both; is long overdue and absolutely necessary in order to reach the masses within the African-American community.
Khadijah Adams, founder and senior managing partner of Marijuana Investment & Private Retreat (MIPR). She is originally from Sugar Land, Texas. Khadijah is a presidential board member of the National Cannabis Chamber of Commerce. Other memberships include: MJBA Women's Alliance, NCIA, Cannabis Consumers Coalition, and a host of other cannabis organizations.